Good Bye 2016, Hello 2017!

New Year’s Eve often ends one of two ways: with a sigh of “good riddance” or the hope of what is to come.  I am in the latter camp and have optimism for what 2017 will bring (irregardless of who sits in the White House!).  I hope to learn new things and continue to travel and cook, as my Instagram account confirms).

Since I am not one for resolutions, my hope is just to get better in whatever I choose to do.  2016 has been a year of change for me: I took a job, my husband left a job, we got a dog. my youngest daughter learned how to sew and my oldest daughter started high school.  I was able to visit my childhood home (after being away for 20 years) and challenged myself at the gym and the kitchen.

My hope is that the world becomes a kinder place and that health and happiness surround all my family and friends.  Happy New Year!19c6e090-5138-4bb8-a360-e7532a02813f